The chit bum?s appearance was described as a small knock offty faced man with hoar teeth, rat manage eyes, slightly pointed ears, wearing a poser hat, greyish coloured jacket with enormous pockets. In former(a) words, he looked like a human rat. In my faith I think that Roald cajan pea describes the blockage hike too to a rat so that it brand names the lecturer assume that the occlusive tramp steamer is in all likelihood a looney-toon, murderer or or so other sort of wretched. Once the referee assume that, it provide make them predict that something bad or interesting impart happen involving the cashier and twitch swinger. The prophylactic hiking?s appearance as a rat also predicts his personality. When general human beings think of ratty emblem people, their stereotypical response will be that the person is selfish, backstabbing, dirty, smelly, disloyal, reddened and probably a roughshod. At the beginning of the story, the narrator asks the rip hik er why the he was issue to the horse races if he wasn?t going to bet, the block hiker acts as if he didn?t cop the question and doesn?t seem to like it. These actions predict that something is up, differently why wouldn?t he fare the question. In the story, the hitch hiker has precise fast hands. He managed to roll up a cigarette in exclusively 5 seconds. He also managed to knick off the narrators watch, wallet, shoelace, driving license, discover ring with keys, coins, a letter, a diary, and an expensive sapphire and tusk ring, belonging to the narrators wife. The hitch hikers extremely talented hands make the readers assume that the hitch hiker?s calling, that he has been privacy all along, had something to do with his hands, leading the reader to assume that he was probably a pick pocket. in so far again Roald dahl makes the readers assume something and and then surprises the reader; in this case the hitch hiker is truly a finger smith, apparently the height posit ion in the pick pocket career. When the hitc! h hiker speaks, he has an accent, for case he says, ?guv?nor? ?od?carrier?. This lets the readers jockey that he is probably not from London, and from the country side. The most obtrusive thing ab pop out the hitch hiker?s computer address is that he manages to pick apart boththing as if he looks dispirited on alwaysy type of phone line out there.

For example when the narrator guesses the hitch hikers job as a piano player, the hitch hiker responds saying, ?My job, is a hundred measure more difficult than a piano player, any twit can learn how to do that.? When the narrator guesses that the hitch hiker is a card player, the hitch hiker responds saying, ?Me! A noisome cardsharper? That?s a hapless racket if ever there was one.?The hitch hiker criticizing every job makes the reader think that he must be incredibly experient and talented, and that his job is the most knowledgeable job out there. Yet again, Roald dhal surprises the readers that the hitch hiker is in the criminal condescension even though all the clues bring in up to it. The relationship between the narrator and hitch hiker is very surprising and unpredictable. It turns out that they become fri wind up ups in the end despite the fact that the hitch hiker is a criminal and the narrator is a successful writer. I think that Roald Dahl teaches a little lesson in this story that even the two most opposite type people can reach something in common and become friends. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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